Friday, December 21, 2012

Sharing a link

The link was for last year , but  is valid  for 2013  also, translate from Portuguese.

 Breaking Barriers  from Artista 24 Horas

This year we know it's a special year. Nothing much, every year is special, but this is much talk of change, awakening to a new consciousness, open your eyes and heart to love of truth. 
Enforcing our right to be rational beings, thinking, and deserving of the "house "we live. involved us in a series of seductive advertisements that feed our EGO and makes us forget that we are so much more, or better, we are more than we think it is. 's time to give more value to what can not be bought in shops; feelings, to be courageous enough to express what is true for us; leave the masks fall and allow ourselves to be loved the way we are;'s time to drop the fear aside and face life as it presents itself to us. It's time for reflection, to take stock of life, to get rid of junk that accompany us, the attachment that has been too great to leave us free for a full, conscious. Which every ball is a ball Christmas gift life. Put it their longings, desires, and hopes. 

Artista 24 Horas: 2012 - rompendo barreiras: Rompendo barreiras Este ano sabemos que é um ano especial. Nada demais, todos os anos são especiais, mas neste se fala muito em mudanç...

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Twelve Holly Nights

The Twelve Holly Nights

“In winter, and especially during the Twelve Holly Nights, the Earth, through its thoughts and memories, enables the forces of the Hierarchies to be present and to work supra sensibly within its sphere.”

Sergei Prokofieff

Dec. 25th

On the morning of December 25th, light a candle. Allow silence and devotion to penetrate into your soul and let the dim view of the candle brighten your inner space. In the experience of your on self, the pure solar light of the Christ Self will be made present. On that night, in the Pisces region, the wise men of humanity pour over you, full of blessings of wisdom. They form a protective circle you while emanating the needed force to base yourself on your feet to take your destiny into your hands. Open your arms and legs and with your  body make a five-pointed star while saying:

With firmness, I occupy my place in the world,
With certainty, I walk through life,
With love in my innermost being,
With hope in everything I do,
With trust in my thought process,
Forces release out of my heart.”

These steps must repeat for the following nights.

Dec. 26th

On this night, think about what you want to achieve in 2016 and observe your health. From the Aquarius region, the Angel that has been your spiritual guide through past lives will guide your individual goals for the New Year. He will also strengthen your personal quality through which you will be allowed to control your health.


On this night, wish well for all. Elevate your soul to spiritual heights and unite with Christ. The vision of your place in the world, and what you need to perceive, will be clearer. From the region of Capricorn, the Archangels, spirits of spiritual vision, will bring courage to you to reach your goals.


On this night, evaluate your personal qualities. From the Sagittarius region, the Archai, spirits of the personality, will bring strength associated with intelligence that will lift your soul. They will sustain you and indicate the direction of the future. Also, they will allow you to think clear for you to perceive and make the best commitment with yourself.

Dec. 29th

On this night, try to find peace within yourself. From the Scorpio region, the Exusiai, which are spirits of form, will bring you the capacity to renew yourself after crises, losses, impotence, pain, and despair.

Dec. 30th

On this night, recognize balance in your life. From the Libra region, the Dynamis, which are spirits of movement, will bring you the capacity to balance the forces of distraction in your soul for you to have a coherent and harmonious life.

Dec. 31st

On this night, like a seed, concentrate on the essence of what you want to conceive. From the Virgo region, the Kyriotetes, which are spirits of wisdom, will bring the capacity to find inner forces for your life to blossom.

Jan. 1st

On this night, let go of the fear to face challenges. From the Leo region, the Thrones, which are spirits of will, bring powerful forces to overcome the challenges that your choices will bring.

Jan. 2nd

On this night, let go of the apprehension related to the transitions in your life. From the region of Cancer, the Cherubim, which are spirits of harmony, will bring force to harmonize you with what is new.


On this night, open your heart and recognize what is good in you and others. From the Gemini region, the Seraphim, which are spirits of love, will bring the impulses to win over the wall of individuality and loneliness. Union and fraternity will make sense.

On this night, let your eyes look for new horizons in your life. From the Taurus region, the Holly Spirit will bring you persistence, which is necessary for progress.

Jan 5th
On this night, think about a blessing that you desire. From the Aries region, Christ, the Son of God, will bring you a freedom to be yourself.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Meditations for Each Week of Advent

[First Week] [Second Week] [Third Week] [Fourth Week]
Time Out! During Advent
As the calendar year draws to a close, family schedules and personal agendas fill with meetings, programs, parties, and annual obligations. The carol "Silent Night" could not have been written at the end of the twentieth century, when its title evokes the peace and stillness modern women and men can only imagine.
Yet this busiest time of year calls us to draw close to others, above all to God, who became flesh and lived with us. Contemplation and car pooling?! Meditation and manic shopping?! How do we carve out moments of quiet when we open ourselves to God's presence?
Perhaps we have to lower our sights from hours spent around hearths and lengthy readings or litanies. Between traffic jams and parking lot crushes, scribbling holiday notes and decking our halls, there may still be ten minutes - or even five - when the family (which may mean something as informal as those who share meals and lodging) can sit quietly around the lighted Advent wreath. Once a day, once a week, or perhaps only once during the Season of Preparation.
Someone we know pampers herself and her family by baking a simple recipe for gingerbread. As the spicy smell fills the kitchen, the household comes together to light the Advent candles, to pray and meditate briefly, and to enjoy a homely feast. It brings them closer together and closer to the mysteries we contemplate and celebrate in Advent.

First Week of Advent
"Jesus said to his disciples: 'Be constantly on the watch! Stay awake!...You do not know when the Master of the house is coming.'" Mark. 13:33 First Sunday of Advent
O Jesus, your voice sounds through the house of my world: Be on your guard! Stay awake!
Yet I hardly hear you. Busy with so much, I go about the things I do like a servant trapped in household routine, hardly giving a thought to what my life is about. My spirit within has grown tired and you, my God, seem far away. How can I hear your voice today?
Speak to my heart during this season of grace, as you spoke to your prophets and saints. Remind me again of the journey you call me to make and the work you would have me do. I am your servant, O Lord. Speak to me in this holy season and turn my eyes to watch for your coming.
O Emmanuel, Jesus Christ,
desire of every nation, Savior of all peoples,
come and dwell among us.

Second Week of Advent

When John the Baptizer made his appearance as a preacher in the desert of Judea, this was his them: Reform your lives. The reign of God is at hand!" Mt. 3:1 Second Sunday of Advent
O Jesus, in an empty desert your prophet John proclaimed: God is here, at your side. God has come to bring about a kingdom where injustice and suffering will be no more, where tears will be wiped away, and where those who turn to God will feast at a banquet.
"Turn now, your God is standing at your side. Reform your lives, God's kingdom is at hand." In an empty desert John said these things.
Give me faith like John's, O Lord, strong enough to believe even in a desert that you and your kingdom are no farther from me than my hand. Make my heart strong like his, not swayed by trials or snared by false pleasures. Give me courage to be faithful until your promises are fulfilled.
O King of all nations, Jesus Christ,
only joy of every heart,
come and save your people.

Second Week of Advent

When John the Baptizer made his appearance as a preacher in the desert of Judea, this was his them: Reform your lives. The reign of God is at hand!" Mt. 3:1 Second Sunday of Advent
O Jesus, in an empty desert your prophet John proclaimed: God is here, at your side. God has come to bring about a kingdom where injustice and suffering will be no more, where tears will be wiped away, and where those who turn to God will feast at a banquet.
"Turn now, your God is standing at your side. Reform your lives, God's kingdom is at hand." In an empty desert John said these things.
Give me faith like John's, O Lord, strong enough to believe even in a desert that you and your kingdom are no farther from me than my hand. Make my heart strong like his, not swayed by trials or snared by false pleasures. Give me courage to be faithful until your promises are fulfilled.
O King of all nations, Jesus Christ,
only joy of every heart,
come and save your people.

Third Week of Advent

John's disciples said to Jesus, "Are you 'He who is to come' or do we look for another?" In reply, Jesus said: "Tell John what you hear and see: the blind recover their sight, cripples walk, lepers are cured, and the poor have good news preached to them..." Lk. 3:10 Third Week of Advent
O Jesus, I rejoice at the signs that say you are near. Your power is everywhere if I could see it.
Yet my eyes often see only darkness and what has yet to be done. I believe in you, yet when I look around evil seems so strong and goodness so weak. If you have come, why is there still so much suffering and why do the poor still despair? Where are your miracles today?
Your grace, O Lord, is more fruitful in my world than I imagine. I know your power is everywhere around me, if I could only see it. Show me today where the blind see and cripples walk.
Make my vision sharper than it is. 

Fourth Week of Advent

The angel Gabriel said to Mary, "Do not fear, Mary, you shall conceive and bear a son and give him the name Jesus. Great will be his dignity and he will be called Son of the Most High..." Lk. 1 Fourth Sunday of Advent
O Jesus, I believe you were born of Mary and are God's Son.
Your mysterious coming is beyond understanding. Yet like your holy mother, Mary, I wish that you come to me, for you promised you will. Let me serve you in any way I can and know that you are with me day by day as my life goes by.
Like Mary, your mother, though I know you only by faith, may my whole being proclaim your greatness and my spirit rejoice in your favor to me.
O Wisdom, holy Word of God, Jesus Christ,
holding all things in your strong yet tender hands,
come and show us the way to salvation. 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

About the Advent Wreath A Rite for the Beginning of Advent at Home

by Victor Hoagland, C.P.
The origins of the Advent wreath are found in the folk practices of the pre-Christian Germanic peoples who, during the cold December darkness of Eastern Europe, gathered wreaths of evergreen and lighted fires as signs of hope in a coming spring and renewed light.
Christians kept these popular traditions alive, and by the 16th century Catholics and Protestants throughout Germany used these symbols to celebrate their Advent hope in Christ, the everlasting Light. From Germany the use of the Advent wreath spread to other parts of the Christian world.
Traditionally, the wreath is made of four candles in a circle of evergreens. Three candles are violet and the fourth is rose, but four white candles or four violet candles can also be used. Each day at home, the candles are lighted, perhaps before the evening meal-- one candle the first week, and then another each succeeding week until December 25th. A short prayer may accompany the lighting.
A Rite for the Beginning of Advent at Home
The first day the wreath is in the home, the leader may say:
As our nights grow longer and our days grow short,
we look on these earthly signs--light and green branches--
and remember God's promise to our world:
Christ, our Light and our Hope, will come.
Listen to the words of Isaiah the prophet:
The people that walked in darkness
have seen a great light;
on those who lived in a land as dark as death
a light has dawned.
You have increased their joy
and given them gladness;
They rejoice in your presence
as those who rejoice at harvest,
as warriors exult when dividing spoil. Is. 9:1-2
Then all pray:
O God,
we remember the promise of your Son.
As the light from this candle,
may the blessing of Christ come upon us,
brightening our way
and guiding us by his truth.
May Christ our Savior bring life
into the darkness of our world,
and to us, as we wait for his coming.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen
Then the first candle is lighted.
Each day at home, the candles are lighted, perhaps before the evening meal -- one candle the first week, and then another each succeeding week until December 25th. The rose candle is usually lighted on the third Sunday of Advent. As the candles are lighted, a prayer may be said.

December and Christmas

Cecilia Staubli our group mentor select some lecture  that brings the real meaning of the Advent and Christmas  How we can prepare our home , and family  to these special time of the year.

We select some  texts  from byVictor Hoagland, C.P.

By praying, ourselves, we fulfill the desire we have as human beings to know the God in whose image we are made. Something in us wants to know God. “Our hearts are restless,” Saint Augustine says, “until they rest in you.” By praying, we rest in God. As our children learn to communicate with God, they too find this special place of rest.       

Preparing the home for Christmas

"asleep in the hay"
Now we'll stay awake
and make our house clean
with the brightest things of red and green.
And we'll wait for Jesus until he comes,
We'll wait until he comes.
First we'll put up a tree
all shiny and bright,
with lights and balls
to shine through the night.

Then build him a house
with a little bed,
a place high enough
not to bump his head.
Bring sheep and shepherds
to see him new-born
and a cow and a donkey
to keep him warm.
Good Lord Jesus,
asleep in the hay,
Bless all little children
each night and each day.

Monday, November 26, 2012

More about Nutrition

 In spite of the fact that a notable portion of the world's rapidly increasing population does not eat meat, it has been said recently that it is no longer possible to be a vegetarian. Today, so the argument goes, a diet of vegetables lacks so much of nutritive value, owing to mechanized agricultural methods, artificial fertilizers and lengthy delays in marketing, that a healthy person cannot possibly be sustained on such food. For survival, salvation lies in a diet of meat. Although the animals, too, derive their nourishment from plants, fortunately the herbivores, so this dubious reasoning continues, are still able to benefit where humans fail. They still possess the capacity to extract nourishment where nourishment for men no longer exists. Thus, the would-be vegetarian, whether he likes it or not, is left with no alternative but to become a carnivore if he wishes to survive.

 It is in contrast to this approach that Dr. Steiner speaks in this pamphlet. He makes no special claim for one diet at the expense of another. It is not enough to be a vegetarian for “righteous” reasons, nor is meat to be condoned for its own sake. Although it is no doubt less damaging to eat meat than to abstain and yet yearn for it, we are told that vegetarianism can be a more practical diet for those engaged in intellectual and spiritual work. This is so, however, only when it comes about in the right way as the following anecdote shows.

 Dr. Steiner once told of a medical doctor, a vegetarian, who was asked by one of his patient's whether he should give up meat for a diet of vegetables.

 “But you do not eat cats and dogs,” observed the doctor.

 Margot Gobetti  opnion about  Anthoposophy and Nutrition :

Anthroposophy is not made ​​of dogmas, but a deep understanding of human beings and their individuality. The food has therapeutic power that can be used in diets specific for certain diseases. The food, especially in children can be a useful tool to balance their constitucional tendencies. Vegetarian diets can  have  great healing  power to  to some people , but may be contraindicated  for others. We must respect the choices of each one and their individuality.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Anthroposophy and Nutrition

Several times the group bring the question about Steiner nutritional orientation. Our group coordenador Cecilia Staubli select some text about .


Rudolf Steiner Was a Vegetarian
Ask Kytka Archives: June 29, 2002
I heard that Steiner was a Vegetarian. Do you know anything about that? Also, Can you tell me anything about how vegetarianism relates to the kingdoms of nature?

Rudolf Steiner saw man primarily as a fourfold being. To understand this concept we need to consider Steiner’s views on the human being in relation to the kingdoms of nature:
Firstly consider the mineral kingdom. It is dead, inanimate – a stone does not move unless an external force is applied to it. It is physical structure only, without life of its own. Steiner called this the “physical body”. In the human body the skeleton is the most mineralized, “stone-like” part and can be likened to the mineral kingdom.
Then there is the plant kingdom. Clearly the plant has a physical body, but equally unlike a stone it possesses a life force which enables it to grow, to have shape, to live. Steiner named this the “etheric body”.
Next the animal kingdom. An animal has a physical body and an etheric body, like the plant. Animals differ from plants, however, in that they achieve a certain level of conscious awareness. They have feelings which express themselves through drives, desires, pain and pleasure. We can say, then, that animals are not only living beings, but “ensouled beings” with feelings. Steiner called this the “astral body”.
Human beings share with all three kingdoms of nature with the “physical body”, the “etheric body” and the “astral body “- but the human being is unique. Humans differ from animals in that they have self awareness. Humans, unlike other living beings, possess an “ego”. The power of this individual ego enables humans to walk erect, to speak and think, to be creative, to develop (and also to destroy) civilizations. It also enables them to enter into the spirit of things in a way that is unique among living beings. We see evidence of this in the artistic and social achievements of humanity. The human being has certain capacities which animals lack. Animals do not have a creative culture. Wasps build their nests the way they have always done, and nothing new has been consciously developed by them over the centuries. Foxes use the same technique as their ancestors did for catching chickens. They do not look back upon their history and apply what they have learned to developing new and more effective techniques. They do not participate consciously in the process of their own development and evolution.
Knowledge of man in the true sense must be sought in the way we have indicated. Starting from the processes of nutrition, it must be followed through the processes of healing to the processes of human and world education in …
the widest sense. Or we can put it thus: from nutrition, through healing, to civilization and culture.”
This line of thinking leads to the logical conclusion that it is not possible to understand the human being by means of the scientific methodology employed today. Anytime we open up the human being by means of tissue samples, doing blood analysis, etc., we simply do not have any reality before us; what we have is an artifact abstracted from the context in which it naturally exists, and so whatever we find out about the artifact has no reality with regard to the living tissue itself in the context of its functioning within the human organism. This has necessarily lead to tremendous confusion and chaos in the world because it is based on ignorance about what we are as human beings. The following is a greatly simplified description of the constitution of the human being; for a more detailed description of the complexities of the human being I refer you to the book “Theosophy” by Rudolf Steiner, (Anthroposophic Press).
Therefore, the human being is a microcosm of the macrocosm. If we take this statement as our starting point, we can build up a picture of the human being by observing nature, and in nature we find there are three major kingdoms:
  • The Mineral Kingdom.
  • The Plant Kingdom.
  • The Animal Kingdom.
The human being’s relationship to the mineral kingdom is that the substances which are used by the human organism for the maintenance of its physical body are mineral/chemical substances. From the perspective of the human observer, the mineral kingdom is inanimate, it is dead. Therefore, if we were constituted of nothing but mineral/chemical substances we would be dead, we could not exist as human beings. So:
Mineral Kingdom / Physical Body / Unconscious.
Plants are alive; they germinate in the soil, grow, develop, mature, produce flowers, fruits and seeds and die. They thus have a ‘body’ which is invisible to physical sight which takes up the mineral substances of the soil, along with water and light, which gives form to the plant and is responsible for its growth, development etc. This is called the etheric, life or formative body in the Western Tradition and I think the concept of ‘chi’ , ‘ki’ and ‘prana’ in the Eastern Tradition is the Eastern equivalent of etheric. The consciousness of the plant is more of a dream-like consciousness. The plant is therefore constituted of both mineral body and etheric body. So:
Plant Kingdom / Etheric Body / Dream-like consciousness.
Animals are distinguished from plants by being able to move around, they show patterns of behavior which indicate they respond to whatever is going on around them; they fight, run away from danger, look for food and water, mate, take care of their young, mark out territory and guard it etc., etc. They thus have an additional ‘body’ to the physical and etheric body, and this is called the astral body or soul, which, like the etheric body, is also invisible to physical sight. So:
Animal Kingdom /Astral Body / Instinctive consciousness.
The major difference between animals and human beings is that in the case of animals, if we know the behavioral patterns of a single individual of a species, we know the behavioral patterns of all the individuals of the same species. This is because each species of animal has a ‘group soul’. This is not the case with the human being, because no two human individuals behave in an identical manner in the same set of circumstances. The major distinction between human beings and animals is the ability of the human being to think as an individual. This ability is due to an additional spiritual constituent of the human being, called the Ego, which can simply be stated as that aspect of the human being which gives each one of us our identity. When we say, I , we can only be referring to ourselves as individuals, not to anyone else.
Steiner himself chose Vegetarian diet in 1900 – Called it “human progression”
In looking over the foundations of a nutritional hygiene emanating from Rudolf Steiner´s Spiritual Science, Gerhard Schmidt discusses vegetarian nutrition from an anthroposophical perspective. (And I find this remarkable interesting as a Waldorf parent!)
He says that “for human beings to be able to draw all their necessary nutrients exclusively from plant foods, we require certain inner forces that may need to be awakened within us. When these forces are awakened, however, they make us more capable of work and thought, and allow man to regulate his life and existence from a freer and higher point if view, and achieve this rapid thinking, this rapid comprehension, by virtue of his nourishment from the plant world.”
So in looking at it from this view (in the light of Anthroposophy) Vegetarianism IS connected to a higher level on consciousness or awareness….. which would make a Vegan diet even better and a 100% raw diet the ULTIMATE for heightened awareness and consciousness.
Rudolf Steiner chose to follow a vegetarian diet in 1900, and later recognized that he would not have been able “to go through with the strenuous activities of the last 24 years [of his life] without vegetarian nutrition.” He apparently made it clear, however, that he “was not agitating for vegetarianism,” but he also said that it is a necessary step in humanity’s progression, such that it will happen of its own accord and requires no agitation.
Vegetarianism has found an important place within many Eastern religions, including Jainism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Generally it has arisen out of the Eastern principle of “ahimsa,” meaning “non-harm,” which holds all animal life as sacred. Do you know that eighty-three percent of India’s 680 million population are Hindu and practice vegetarianism in varying degrees. Jains are strict vegetarians, and are very careful to avoid harming other living beings.
You may argue: “But meat eating is “natural”…
What does it mean for something to be natural? When we say that something is `natural,´ what we often actually mean is that it is widely accepted or practiced, whereas something that is `unnatural´ is foreign or strange to us. Michael Allen Fox notes that “many things are justified merely on the grounds of being `natural´ (greed, war, heterosexuality), and many are condemned on the equally flimsy pretext of being `unnatural´ (altruism, pacifism, homosexuality).” Clearly, the fact that something is supposedly `natural´ is not a valid justification for anything, and thus cannot in itself be used to justify meat-eating.
The bottom line…
Many people are sympathetic to the cause of vegetarianism, veganism and the raw foods diet, and may even wish to become vegetarian, vegan or raw, but complain that they lack the willpower or motivation to make the shift. Often this is because they feel, or claim to feel, that the choices they make will not make a significant impact on the suffering of the animals or on the environment. This belief, however, need not be true.
The choices that a single person makes about the way he or she wishes to live life can have an incredible impact on the world, on many levels. Most importantly on the person adapting the diet and his or her family. When one individual makes a clear choice and lives according to that choice, other people will notice and begin to examine the way in which they lead their own lives. In the end, it will always be individual choice that brings about important changes in the world.
Our journey as human beings on this earth, is to gain a deeper understanding of our relationship with our environment, our health, our selves, and our community.
We share this earth with soil, plants and animals. When we are awake to this thought, we gain a broader view of our relationship with and place in the world… we gain insight into how we can contribute to both our own well-being and that of our environment.
All life on this earth is interconnected, in a physical and well as a spiritual & cosmic sense….
I have been on all ends of the food spectrum. Currently we are eating a 100% raw foods diet and we have never felt better. My children are strong and growing, full of energy.
I have met fruitarians, only meat eaters and even a breatharian – who lives on air and water alone… People have varied levels of belief and go to varying extremes. The point is it’s their business, their choice and we cannot expect to begin to understand their layers of deeper consciousness, spirituality or Karmic forces which all have a part in driving them to make the food choices they make.
We chose this diet for ourselves because it feels good to our bodies, it tastes good and it fits in with our lifestyle. We feel good and that is what is best for OUR family. I have never “forced” it on my children – they ask for raw foods and are happier with a fruit than with a large Thanksgiving dinner… They like that they can eat “ice cream” and “pudding” all day and are tickled pink that while other kids eat their salads, we drink ours (I am a big fan of juicing, too!) (Ice cream: this is just fresh or frozen fruit placed through the champion juicer and it is SO good! We love banana carob chip the best, sometimes with a mint leaf tossed in!)
The wonderful thing about being a human being is that we have the opportunity and the sense to choose, and that we do all make different choices.
Some of us spend much time researching or experimenting, others seem more to choose from habit or ease… But no matter how and what we choose, the fact is that it is our choice to make, and as fellow human beings, we should not pass judgment for those who make different choices. On the contrary, we should hope to gain a broader understanding of our fellow man by striving to educate ourselves about the choices they make and why.
In light of a spiritual or religious view: It has been my experience that the people who are striving towards a “higher level of consciousness” do all share the similar trait that they do tend to lean towards a vegan or vegetarian diet, and I think this is because many religions do practice compassion, and the allowing the animal to live is the more “compassionate” choice. My personal view is that man, animal and plant all have a reason and deserve their space and time on this planet. All have a life cycle and all eventually die.
Our job/journey is to decide which part we will play in that cycle.
My part, personally – is not to play an active part in anyone’s suffering or death. I teach my family to walk lightly on this earth, and we try to live in the most natural state we can. We are raw because it makes complete sense to us – on many levels. Did you know that as human beings, our bodies have evolved over a four million year period? For 3,950,000 of those years we humans ate only raw, living foods! So if you look at it in this timeline, it is only very recently that we came up with the idea of eating cooked food.
Steiner Said…
During the sixth epoch, even the outward physiognomy of our environment will have a very changed aspect. Particularly those animals which now supply meat for human consumption, shall then have died out. In future, a great hymn of praise will be sung to vegetarianism, and people will tell one another, as if they were speaking of some ancient memory, that their ancestors used to eat meat. Not all the animals shall then have died out, but only certain species; particularly those animals shall have disappeared from the earth that have taken on the most rigid forms.  ~Rudolf Steiner – from the lecture, Outlooks for the Future

Saturday, October 27, 2012


                                     “ Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commit oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, rising in one favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would come his away.
Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now”.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Rudolf Steiner thought of the week

In fact, nothing has value if we lack the courage ... by Rudolf Steiner
"We must eradicate from the soul all fear and terror of what the future might bring to man.
We must acquire serenity in all feelings and sensations about the future.
We must look forward with absolute equanimity to everything that may come.
And we must think only that whatever comes in one direction will be given by world full of wisdom.
This is part of what we learn in this era, namely living in pure confidence. Without any security in existence; confidence in the ever present help of the spiritual world.
In fact, nothing has value if we lack the courage.
Discipline  our will and seek the inner awakening every morning and every night. "

Rudolf Steiner (Bremen 27/11/1910)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

About The Red Rose Group

    The Red Rose  group was found by Cecilia Staubli   and friends 3 years ago. The group is open to every one who wants to know about Anthroposophy and the influence of Rudolf Steiner in all aspects of the human being  an in our society.

The term Anthroposophy is from the Greek, as meaning "the knowledge of the nature of man Rudolf Steiner( 1861-1925)  began using the word to refer to his philosophy in the early 1900s as an alternative to theosophy.
The philosopher, scientist and Goethe scholar Rudolf Steiner developed Anthroposophy as a «science of the spirit.» An individual path of spiritual development, Christ centered at its esoteric core.

Anthroposophical ideas have been applied practically in many areas including Steiner/Waldorf education, special education (most prominently through the Camphill Movement), agriculture, medicine, ethical banking, organizational development, and the arts.[1]The Anthroposophical Society has its international center at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.

" When correctly understood the truths of the science of the spirit will give man a true foundation for his life, will let him recognize his value, his dignity, and his essence, and will gave to him the highest zest for living. For these truths enlighten him about his connection with the world around him; they show him highest goals, his true destiny. And they do this in a way which correspond to the demands of the present, so that he need not remain caught in the contradiction between belief and knowledge"   Rudolf Steiner "Cosmic Memory"- CH 19

The group is studding the book   High World   - Rudolf Steiner

Location : 13311 SW 132 Av. Miami 33186 Kendall

phone for contact : 786 942 77 54 Cecilia

Time : Every Wednesday  9.30 to 10.30

  Welcome to  Red Rose Anthroposophy  Group ,you can contact in person or trough the blog.