Holy Week Contemplation Nr 7
Friday--What is Love? (Read this with your heart!)
Seed Valentine
Not until when we can look back with unlimited divine consciousness on these ant-like lives we led here and feel the kind of kindness and fiery love only a god can send like a thunder-bolt into the heart of a planet teetering on the edge of a new life will we really sense how exhausted all the metaphors of spring still tumble toward some new death nature conceives sprouting with all we must rise to a new magic worked on matter this time from the inside a light certain as a flower
Peter Rennick
This poem was sent to me by one of my readers, inspired by the thoughts of Christ becoming as infinitely small as a seed, sacrificing His omnipotence to journey into the black hole of death, with and for humanity.
What could it take for a God to become so small? It is said that Christ is the only being in all of the spiritual hierarchies who became fully human. He is the only one who —shall we say?—–dared to enter the material world, plunge into the darkness of non-spirit. How can a God become human?
Was there actually a chance that He would not be strong enough? Not able to overcome Death? Can we dare to ask such a question?
The day Friday corresponds to Venus, the goddess of love. When we behold the violence, hate and true evil of the day of crucifixion, it is hard to reconcile that discrepancy. Where is Love in that Friday drama? And then our eye turns to the center point of the events, to Christ. His creating being is identical with love. In living on earth and becoming Human, He gave Himself away, in abundant, creating love. In self-sacrifice, He suffuses the spiritual human archetype , the I-AM, with the capacity to love. This is how we can answer the call of Good Friday. As Christ gave the gift of His own self in love, so the awakened human I-AM will experience that his own God-nature is Love.
When Christ was brought, bound and scorned, to the Roman palace in Jerusalem on the morning before His death, Pontius Pilate asked him “Are you a King?” His reply shakes me every time I read it. If He had claimed to be the Sun-Hero, Pilate would surely have released Him. But instead He answered, “You must say whether I am a King or not.”
Christ will never force anyone to believe in Him, to acknowledge Him, to follow His way, for if He did, He would be denying them their freedom. And this is the gift that He came to offer.
Each individual must find his or her way to the seed forces of the I-AM alone. The awakening must occur from within, in freedom. The I-AM is not a thing. It is a verb, a deed, an activity of consciousness: it is a resurrection out of the state of death that we live in even when alive. The I-Am is a living seed, planted in the human heart. It will sprout, grow and flower in the soil of love.
Through this, we may hope to build a future earth worthy of being given back to the Creator who made us.
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